Coles Non Competition Barbecue Chicken Thighs

Recipe first – from Darren Worth and – Click Here

I made a number of modifications as the linked recipe has a bunch of different rubs and sauces and it seemed excessive. I like the technique a lot and my audience really enjoyed the end result.

I used boneless chicken thighs since I didn’t have bone in. I don’t think it makes a difference in flavour and that’s kind of how life goes sometimes.

Link to whether cooking bone in or out makes a difference – Click Here – I did not do my own research, nor look into this any farther, but seemed good enough for me given Meatheads overall reputation and cooking chops. Also, it’s cooking, not surgery so the ambiguity doesn’t bother me.

The chicken was dry brined for 6 hours beforehand in the fridge.

I used a rub with: paprika, black pepper, cayenne, garlic powder, onion powder, thyme, oregano, and sugar.

I injected the thighs with chicken stock to help keep them moist. Again, the recipe linked has a more complicated injection mixture.

The barbecue was brought up to 275-300 F. The chicken thighs were added in a foil pan and dolloped with butter. Good cooking doesn’t always keep the calories down so watch your portion control instead.

Cooked, then covered, then removed from the pan. I am not sure if you would call this true barbecue as you are basically poaching the chicken, but it turns out great.

Reminder not to cook to time but to temperature. So get your meat probe handy.

Over direct heat for 5-10 minutes to crisp up and lather with barbecue sauce for a 3-5 minutes.

I am using the barbecue sauce recipe that I posted earlier – Click Here

Taking out a lot of the complicated steps in the recipe made this turn out simple, great, and tasty.

Cole Rating: 8/10