Cole’s Non-Traditional Classic Caesar Recipe

Recipe at the top:

Vanquish celery salt and improve the all important rim – Cribbed from


  • Using lemon or lime rim a 12 ounce-ish glass with the recipe above (the only modification I make to the recipe is adding 1 tsp paprika). I am usually one to go big or go home, but I find using a bigger glass, more vodka, etc. messes with the flavour and I have not been able to land it.
  • Add ice
  • Add 1.5 oz vodka
  • Add 1/4-1/2 tsp jarred horseradish
  • 1 1/2 tbsp of Worcestershire
  • 1 tbsp of tabasco
  • Fill with Clamato Pickled Bean to 1/2 inch from the top
  • Stir with a small spoon to break up and distribute the horseradish
  • Top with garnish if you wish
  • Sprinkle a little of the rim blend on top 🙂

Nothing too crazy but it turns out a great result — major differences from what I have seen in the past is the volume of Worcestershire sauce I use, and probably the low volume of horseradish.

For non Canadians reading this, a Caesar is a bloody marry with clam juice added; it is far superior in every way so lets stop the debate right there 🙂

I have tried a ton of variations over time including bigger glasses, less vodka, more vodka, bbq sauce, different hot sauces, fresh vs canned horseradish (use fresh if available because its tons of fun to grate like they do at Rodneys)

The rim is really where the rubber meets the road for this drink, and I find the pickled bean Clamato gives the best flavour. Nicole describes the drink as a little sour, and if this is a complaint a little sugar sprinkled in balances it out just fine

Cole Rating 10/10