Delightful Marinara Sauce for Pizza, Pasta, and Everything In-between

As in all Italian cooking it seems there is always a debate about the ‘right’ way to make a classic dish. I chose this one because it looked good, simple, and turns out a great product. Here is the recipe I cribbed from

I ended up using two cans of crushed tomatoes, one can tomato paste, two small/medium onions, one scallion, one garlic bulb (who actually measures using cloves anyway!). Decided to post the picture with the generic brand of canned tomatoes as thats what I had in my pantry when deciding to make marinara sauce for pizza night. I am a true believer in using great ingredients whenever possible; but when it is not, you can make almost anything taste world class.

Sauté the onions on med/high heat

One of my favourite parts of cooking is deglazing a pan with wine — it creates amazing aromas and sizzles real nice

Simmer until the alcohol boils off or it will have an off taste after

Add the canned crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, oregano, Spanish thyme, salt, pepper, bay leaves — After mixing, it must simmer for a minimum of 30 minutes, but I have found an hour helps everything blend together nicely

Once finished up I added some more salt as it was under seasoned and spread it on a delicious home-made pizza — Will post Nicole’s pizza recipe another time

Overall the sauce turned out really nice, though I added more tomatoes than the first time I cooked it and didn’t properly double the amount of onions and seasoning so it didn’t have quite as much flavour as I would have liked; with an extra onion it would have been a 10/10 –

Cole Rating: 7.5/10

One Comment

  • Todd

    I’ve found that marinara and bolognese sauces taste better after sitting in the fridge for 24 hours or after freezing. The flavours seem to blend to make it more rich.