Louisiana Style BBQ Sauce – Spicy, Tangy, Sweet, Delicious

Recipe First from Amazingribs.com – Click Here

My journey of finding my favourite barbecue sauce started like most people, in the isles of the grocery store, and ended fruitlessly. I found most barbecue sauces too sweet, fairly bland, or overpowering in all the wrong ways

This recipe has the perfect amount of spice to accentuate meat without overpowering it or feeling like you are just drinking the sauce out of the bottle instead of on your tenderly cooked meat.

The type of peppers isn’t too important and I find the more variety the better as you can see below. Make sure you have enough bell peppers in there to give it enough volume and avoid making it into a standard hot sauce.

It starts off with roasting the peppers doubling the function of softening the meat of the peppers and blackening the skin in order to make it easier to remove — the smaller peppers as well as garlic were wrapped in tin foil with holes poked in it. This was to avoid them overcooking and falling through the grates on the barbecue.

Don’t be scared to over char the skin; it will be removed and the more cooked the skins are the easier they are to remove. After skinning the peppers you can actually just zip lock and freeze the peppers for a future recipe and they keep perfectly.

Blend up the peppers and garlic — there is enough liquid in the peppers to blend nicely.

Tabasco, molasses, vinegar, ketchup, and kosher salt are added and blended with the pepper puree.

Finished product is smooth, spicy, well balanced, and delicious. I heavily recommend trying; tastes great with chicken and pork.

Cole Rating; 9.5/10