Slightly Spicy Chicken Adobo

Recipe First: Click Here

I have made this recipe a couple times and think I have it nailed so wanted to share the slight variations I did.

  1. Do not use whole black pepper, break down into course grind in a grinder or food processor
  2. Add red pepper flakes or asian dried hot peppers for heat
  3. Follow the recipe recommendations of not substituting for less fatty pieces of meat and make sure the skin is off

Chicken is marinated in a bowl or as I prefer, freezer bag. This is a nice recipe as you are only marinading for 30 minutes, so you don’t need to plan too far ahead as long as you have the rather simple ingredients.

A technique you will see in a lot of recipes is browning the meat initially in a fat, removing the meat and using the fond for flavour, cooking the other ingredients, and adding the meat back in to simmer.

Tip: If you are searching for recipes and these techniques are being used it is a good sign it will be delicious

I also ‘bloomed’ the pepper in oil in the centre of the pan; an optional step, but brings out more flavour in dry spices. Check out this Serious Eats article with an in depth look.

Once the chicken is placed back in the pan it is cooked down to a syrupy consistency.

Serve over a bed of white rice, drizzled chili oil, and green onions.

With the little bit of heat it added great complexity and was really delicious.

Cole Rating: 9/10